Fairland Aquatics Swim Team

Our coaching staff has a wide range of experience and knowledge. We strive to foster a love of the sport in all athletes, and motivate them to aspire for more.
The primary objective of our staff is long term athlete development. Our approach enables an athlete to fully mature and reach their full potential, ideally as a collegiate athlete. By not overloading an athlete prematurely, they can grow into their potential at a rate that is sustainable, and without risk of injury.
What is commonly called burnout is more often anything but that. The path down this road often begins with a young athlete showing some early promise and having easy and early success. The adults in charge of that athlete’s development (coaches and parents), often get a little too excited and more often than not start pushing that athlete beyond what he / she is physically and emotionally capable of handling. The sad result is an athlete who leaves the sport early or loses interest.
At FAST, we don’t believe in a “quick fix” for anything nor do we subscribe to “fast tracking” an athlete to achieve success faster than they can handle. Injury, ice packs, and rehab are things that are not associated with our program, and we’re proud of our record in this area.
Our staff is readily and easily accessible to all families in our program. We encourage all parents and athletes to take advantage of the knowledge base of our staff.
See you on deck!
FAST Coaching Staff