Fairland Aquatics Swim Team
Team policies, very much like team expectations are geared towards helping the team run smoothly and efficiently. By establishing basic and simple policies it's our intention to ensure that everyone is treated equally and fairly, and with respect at all times. As such, our core team policies are as follows
1. All families are welcome and will be treated equally, regardless of age, sex, race, or ethnic background.
2. Long term development always takes priority over short term success.
3. The emotional and physical well being of our athletes comes first. Healthy and happy kids tends to make fast swimmers.
Bullying is prohibited in USA Swimming. In the event that bullying is happening at team related events, the incident should be reported immediately to the coach or parent who is present. All parties will be spoken to.
Bullying occurrences will be handled in the following manner;
First time offenders will be spoken to by the coach, and a resolution sought to prevent repeat situations. Parents of all parties will be notified.
Second time offenders may be asked to leave practice. Parents of all parties will be notified.
Third time offenders will be removed immediately from practice and will not be allowed to return until a sit down meeting is held with the offender’s parents.
A fourth offense will result in an immediate 2 week suspension from all team events. A meeting will be scheduled at which point further action, if warranted, may be taken, including removal from the program. If this happens no refunds will be given.
The safety and protection of our athletes is of the utmost importance. To that end, as per USA Swimming requirements, all coaches must undergo the following to be on deck with our athletes
Background check
Athlete Protection Course
Safety Training for Swim Coaches
Foundations of Coaching Course
- Employee screening
The best protection for our athletes, however, is for everyone to be vigilant and to avoid being in situations that may be construed as compromising.
All parents and swimmers are strongly encouraged to visit the link below and go through the appropriate online education course offered by USA Swimming
We expect all swimmers to enter at least 2 meets per Fall / Winter season. This equates to one swim meet from September to December, and one swim meet from January to March.
The coaching staff have compiled the team meet schedule that best meets the needs of our athletes.
On occasion the coach may wish to attend a meet not on the schedule. We will, however, first check with the parents of those swimmers.
When competing, ALL swimmers must be in team attire.
Relay entries will be submitted by the coach when the team has enough swimmers. In the event we have a surplus in any given age group, the coach will make the final decision on who swims, and in what order.
In this day and age Social Media is a big part of daily life. Most people use some form of social media daily to communicate.
As with any other form of technology, the benefits must be weighed against the potential risks and measures put in place to eliminate or greatly reduce those risks.
When using social media, the following guidelines should be followed;
All communication must be in compliance with guidelines established by USA Swimming.
All communication should be on a professional level.
All communication should be of an open and transparent nature.
Do not post anything to the internet that is not open and transparent in nature.
When there are burning issues / concerns please refrain from taking to social media. Anything that needs immediate attention should be handled in person, face to face. Nasty grams and hostile language are extremely difficult to undo later.
When using text messaging, be mindful of the time of day or night. Many people use their phones as their primary alarm and would prefer not to have it going off at odd hours.
During practice, the coaches are busy coaching and are not checking their cell phones. Messages will go unanswered until after practice has ended.
If there is an emergency please CALL the facility. (301) 362 – 6060
As a member club of USA Swimming, we follow all policies established by MAAPP Beginning September 1st, 2021 MAAPP has been revised and updated from the original policies. Please familiarize yourself with the new MAAP